829344058885812 Diane Levit | Harte Trail Art Tour
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Diane Levit

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My passion for photography started 30 years ago.  My artistic interests stem largely from my paternal grandfather, an artist in Eastern Europe.  His inspiration led me to the Banff School of Fine Arts.   

     Having the good fortune to have travelled extensively,  I have been drawn to the Mediterranean, specifically Greece and Italy. The old world architecture combined with the resonant sunlight and vibrant colours demanded to be captured.

     More recently I have focused my lens  on wildlife,  from the Emperor Penguins of the Antarctic, to the Wild White Horses of Camargue in Southern France, to Polar Bear cubs emerging from their dens in Wapusk National Park in Manitoba.

     My art is showcased in private homes, hotels and restaurants across Canada. You can see my Mediterranean images in the Lakeview Resort in Gimli.

     Please visit my website to get a full glimpse of my extensive works.


     I am honoured to be a participant of the Harte Trail group of artists.

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